Monday, March 10, 2014


There’s a famous saying that goes…’the green snake in thy green grass’…..this is a phrase ive found myself using a whole lot more in  the past year and with this year it keeps getting more popular in my speech when it comes to describing HYPOCRITES or for the vocabulary impaired the term used is PRETENDER. Which means people or person acting the complete opposite of their true nature either to fit into a new environment or to make themselves relevant or significant in someone else's life either to ruin the other persons' lives or for the fact that they adore or are obsessed with the other person. Either way pretending to be someone else or manipulating someone else's life isn’t a norm to be practiced but in the world we live today there is hardly anything our forefathers forbade that isnt being customised. 

Hypocrisy which is the verb for the adjective…hypocrite…..has become rampant in the past several years. I don’t know whether it is in the lack of resources going around in the world or the end days as spoken of in the book of revelation found in the universal Holy Bible. Because this detrimental characteristic trait keeps getting even more hardwired in most human beings. Both male and female.

My biggest question is what do people gain from it? Who pays them? How does anyone sleep comfortably at night or look at themselves in the mirror after changing someone's life for the worse? Or ruining someone's relationships with either a spouse or friend and most times even with their families? As if those relationships don’t have enough problems of their own without your lies and treachery adding onto them.

How do you befriend someone and be the perfect friend or spouse that person needs at a particular time in their life just to see them hurt, broken and lost out of your own sadistic thirst?? And as their worlds collapse around them most run off never to be seen or heard of again while others stick around acting like they care just to have a front row seat of your detriment. Seriously life on its own isn’t easy without your malice and lies!! Relationships are another part of life that’s even harder because love isn’t enough for any relationship!! All relationships require dedication and determination inclusive of ALL the LOVE. So you coming out of nowhere and tampering with the cornerstones that people are cultivating and working with in  their relationships is indeed the epitome of SADISM which inevitably earns one the name SADIST on top of lying to my face while you practice malice that’s making the people around me run away or get vengeaful and bitter with me for no reason and ending up the hypocritical green snake in my green grass because you can camouflage so well!! You have all the colours to blind me and the people around me just to prove how dedicated you are to your sadism and hypocrisy.

Which leads me to my conclusion… have to be very MISERABLE with your own life to take joy in someone's misery especially if caused by you. Indeed misery loves company. its beyond any reasonable doubt now. You must also be very jealous of what someone else has to speak badly about it or ruin it for them so that you can have it in some really bizarre cases to me. And work day and night scheming to ruin it or take it away from that person. Hypocrites are schemers. Instead of scheming to make their own lives better or help in nation building or create schemes to eradicate poverty in our countries plus end unemployment and corruption in our governments….they instead pick/prey on someone and these are what I will call “victims" killing their very existence as they knew leaving them for dead. Other hypocrites and sadists find people who have already been victimized and “scavenge” the little that’s left in them.

Honestly to be horribly candid, hypocrites and sadists to me both words or type of people mean the same thing and that is….they are leeches, they suck the life out of the little happiness we have. They are parasites that are getting immune to the antidote of us fighting for our happiness or the people that make us want to live forever as long as we are with them because they resist and fight back even harder. Their schemes and lies get even more concrete. They have fought even our natural immune system of ignoring what we know they are doing. They have become so shameless that they even take time out to brag about it.

I don’t know why people are busy preaching about zombie apocalypse,alien invasions and other natural disasters coming our way when the hypocrites were hibernating during our fore fathers time and taking out just afew warriors and are now full blown parasites with no antidote or antibiotic for their treachery and misery they inflict in our lives especially with the people and relationships we value most in our lives.

BEWARE my good friends and distinguished readers…..and cut your green grass before your green snakes mature. The only way to do so is HONESTY. Don’t give anyone anything they can hold above your head and never say anything about someone to anyone that you cant repeat to their faces when confrontation decides to pay you a visit.
                                                                             Yours Truly;
                                                                                            Getty Uncensored.

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