Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Life is too SHORT  and too PRECIOUS  to live it like a BORROWER of God’s grace!!!
We are all aware of the word ‘hygeine’ and what it means; but im still going to go to the trouble of explaining it for ignorant folk.

Hygiene is a set of practices performed for the preservation of health. While in modern medical sciences there is a set of standards of hygiene recommended for different situations, what is considered hygienic or not can vary between different cultures, genders and etarian groups. Some regular hygienic practices may be considered good habits by a society while the neglect of hygiene can be considered disgusting, disrespectful or even threatening. 

We have all shared something we probably shouldn’t with our loved ones i.e; sister,brother,friends and even spouses and most times its OK but what happens when one has a contagious skin condition or has gone off and carried a particular bacteria from their own personal extra curricular activities?

I have experienced and watched girls who are friends and some claiming to be share the most personal items. It doesn’t matter if that person looks clean. Looks have always been deceiving!  Things like lipsticks and lip glosses plus lip balms…..my fellow ladies do have any idea where the other ladies’ mouths have been? They could have been kissing a much less desired mouth or used their mouths for many other things that your own lip accessories shouldn’t be around it let alone being used by it! Do you even know when that mouth was last brushed?? Because there's always minty gum that works to keep bad breath at bay so how can you confirm that person is as clean as you are?
Another disturbing thing I have noticed is the sharing of bathing body scrubs. The ones we soap and use to scrub our bodies ‘EVERYWHERE’.

And by ‘EVERYWHERE’ I mean……EVERYWHERE. So how does someone come out of nowhere and because you have some sort of relationship they believe its okay to grab it and start scrubbing their own bodies with it?! I have no idea how and what you could have used your body for and neither do I specifically know of your health’s intimate details! So please….let's respect each others’ personal effects and promote personal hygiene.  There are others that go to the strangest lengths and even jump into someone else’s panties and bras or even grab lingerie to go out their spouses. For those who practice that type of callous behavior…how do you know of my cleanliness?! How do you know my spouse is equally ‘clean’ or ‘healthy’?? Does it mean you really trust me or you just like my things that I go to the trouble of buying and you just have to put me through the spending to replace it. Because even if we both trust each other and you never return the ‘borrowed’ item what should I believe? There are people out there who just love people’s items. A hardwired trait that needs elimination. But that’s a story for another day.

Men and boys who share shoes or shirts, vests, socks and some appalingly even boxers.....you never if the other guy has fungus and works extra hard to keep it a secret. and for boxers......that just spells 'disgusting' in all languages under the sun.

Another thing shared the most is HEELS!! Ladies! Those have never been meant to be shared. They are another quite personal effect. All heels are manufactured the same way but once you buy it and strut around in it you’ve customized it to your walking and your body weight whether sober or drunk. So now you share it with a friend who is the same size and she has no balance of her own and since the shoes have been customized to your body and feet she struggles to fit them to her own feet and walk plus weight and balance. Then she fails then of course the shoe comes back with a wobbling heel and who do you have to blame? People will talk and say you are selfish or mean but at the end of the day its your loss! And no one helps you buy them except maybe your spouse who for sure will never need them or even think of wearing them. There’s generosity and then there is foolery. Where do you stand?
                                                                                    Yours PERSONALLY;
                                                                                         Getty Uncensored

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


My distinguished readers…..we as a whole human race are found with a far worse apocalypse than all this Sodom and Gomora prophesies or all this scientific prophesies that are being sugar coated in movies or tv programmes as they claim its just creativity for our entertainment.

We are currently falling in a bottomless pit where people claim to be your friend and sabotage your dreams and ambitions. Another class of pests! These ones are more of rodents! This is what is makes me respect the class of people in hypocrisy and sadism. Those are much more respectable classes of people. Because they embrace who and what they are as they feed off your misery unlike the other set of treacherous, shady and downright copy cat type of human beings!! Who pretend they are cheering you on to achieve your goals then go dead and don’t even congratulate you when you finally reach the finish line.

 We were all created UNIQUELY! Even from our own families and even identical twins!! Your own fingers aren’t the same size and length because they each have a special and unique role to play. So you as an adult human being whom for sure we can’t blame not being original on peer pressure goes on to tap or try and insist on riding on your friends’ ( or any close person to you) talents or gifts when you cannot sit aside and try various other things and find yours! The one your creator hardwired into your system!
More descriptively, an couple of examples;
Your  friend models casually as a hobby even not as a career and there you go finding another agency and competively harass the living daylights out the modeling curriculum just because your tiny thinking capacity is convincing you so.
Another scenario is; you have a close friend who writes and when he/she pens her thoughts or opinions the world literally stops and listens or reads. Why? The originality is RARE.  Then you go around start writing long mediocre status facebook updates trying to sound so opinionated when honestly you don’t have the depth because that gift isn’t yours to use in the first place. If you are going to write then write a book!!
Other people of this pathetic caliber; hear or notice the friend is good in cooking then they start running around using the spices they saw in her kitchen and create good food but not awesome food! You get compliments but no one gushes and spreads the word of what an awesome cook you are. Open a restaurant!! Lets see you COOK! Most chefs have studied the trade but very few serve food that has ‘soul’.
Some really hopeless cases is where you see your friend throwing money around changing the most beautiful ladies on his arm every single day and their goes low thinking capacity again doing its talented shallow thinking and you go stealing, killing, armed robbery and even indulge in date rape just to be able to brag that he got laid by the beautiful ladies just to get to look like him when he could just look good no matter what he wears!! He could be from the really charming breed genuinely and it’s the ladies who are showering him with lavish gifts as you are busy breaking your backbone and tormenting innocent people with your deprived mental faculties.

Moral of all this is to remind everyone out their that they were created differently and uniquely as an individual. If your friend has talents or gifts people are boasting and preaching about and you find yourself bothered or leaning towards copying….reboot your system and find your gifts and talents if you haven’t! If you have them then its time you embrace them and polish them!
Be original. Find your passion. Love thyself. Burning plastic genuinely STINKS people let’s get REAL. Why do people like doing what other people are doing just to share that spotlight?? Personally, sharing spotlights is claustrophobic for me as it should be for every single person out there.

Sketch your hommies basically means stay where you belong! If you are about mediocre facebook status updates…..remain there!! If you cant afford really expensive brands…find happiness in the little you have. If you have a small behind unlike your friend who’s quite volumptuos then thank God that you atleast have a sitting apparatus to begin with and go searching for steroids or surgeries to amplify what God was very wise not to give you. If you are around people who genuinely have a unique accent that sets them apart then stick to your local one!! You sound even more hopeless and ridiculous trying to cook up just to fit in or for ‘airs’ that just give people what to laugh and say nasty things about you behind your back.

Be warned people; the grass is hardly ever greener on the other side. Plus being true is much more easier instead of comitting yourself to a life of self-imposed bondage busy chasing a double life career where nobody is paying you for your hardwork and sleepless nights.
                                                                          Getty Uncensored.

Monday, March 10, 2014


It appears iam quite behind with voicing my overly loud CANDID opinion on this madness popularly known as “valentines day”. This is quite the day for hypocrisy, lies, shattered hopes, disappointments and true love to germinate in ones love life across the globe.

So what is it about men acting like they genuinely adore us and want to hear everything we say and work extra hard to maintain eye contact with us on this day in futile attempt not to let their usual wandering eye balls do their usual scans and walks as they escort other women’s "assets" up and down or in and out?! By the way that famous and unpopular ‘wandering eye’ is something I love to call ‘lazy eye’ where the pupils get shamelessly LAZY as they get glued on all other ladies around you except you whom he clearly chose out of all them out there when he had the opportunity to choose.

Back to the valentine madness…..so your self proclaimed boyfriend goes missing in action for most of the relationship in the 366/365 days of the year then swoops in like a knight in shining rubbish to torment us even worse on this really overrated day of the year?? Who died and gave them the high horse?? Where were you when I was cold and lonely?! Where were you when I needed a shoulder to cry on??  Where were you when i was having financial, emotional, academic and psychological hiccups?? Most importantly where are all the apologies u owe me that are in outstanding arrears??? Is a few hours in one day really enough to give our beloved male species a pass when they pass up on their obligations?? I think NOT!
We deserve to be spoilt and showered with gifts everyday and not have only one day for it. After all, the saint valentine himself died a grotesque death and his ‘love’ is what we now celebrate for the most ridiculous reasons! We all have a whole year to the next valentine’s day shenanigans…..lets find out exactly WHY we should celebrate it as individuals. Not to make our spouses happy or succumb to peer pressure and the hopeless bandwagon. 

Let’s stop calling a spade a big spoon people. It’s a spade!! If it was a big spoon we could use it as cutlery in our kitchens and dining tables.
                                                                  Yours CONCERNED;
                                                                           Getty Uncensored.


There’s a famous saying that goes…’the green snake in thy green grass’…..this is a phrase ive found myself using a whole lot more in  the past year and with this year it keeps getting more popular in my speech when it comes to describing HYPOCRITES or for the vocabulary impaired the term used is PRETENDER. Which means people or person acting the complete opposite of their true nature either to fit into a new environment or to make themselves relevant or significant in someone else's life either to ruin the other persons' lives or for the fact that they adore or are obsessed with the other person. Either way pretending to be someone else or manipulating someone else's life isn’t a norm to be practiced but in the world we live today there is hardly anything our forefathers forbade that isnt being customised. 

Hypocrisy which is the verb for the adjective…hypocrite…..has become rampant in the past several years. I don’t know whether it is in the lack of resources going around in the world or the end days as spoken of in the book of revelation found in the universal Holy Bible. Because this detrimental characteristic trait keeps getting even more hardwired in most human beings. Both male and female.

My biggest question is what do people gain from it? Who pays them? How does anyone sleep comfortably at night or look at themselves in the mirror after changing someone's life for the worse? Or ruining someone's relationships with either a spouse or friend and most times even with their families? As if those relationships don’t have enough problems of their own without your lies and treachery adding onto them.

How do you befriend someone and be the perfect friend or spouse that person needs at a particular time in their life just to see them hurt, broken and lost out of your own sadistic thirst?? And as their worlds collapse around them most run off never to be seen or heard of again while others stick around acting like they care just to have a front row seat of your detriment. Seriously life on its own isn’t easy without your malice and lies!! Relationships are another part of life that’s even harder because love isn’t enough for any relationship!! All relationships require dedication and determination inclusive of ALL the LOVE. So you coming out of nowhere and tampering with the cornerstones that people are cultivating and working with in  their relationships is indeed the epitome of SADISM which inevitably earns one the name SADIST on top of lying to my face while you practice malice that’s making the people around me run away or get vengeaful and bitter with me for no reason and ending up the hypocritical green snake in my green grass because you can camouflage so well!! You have all the colours to blind me and the people around me just to prove how dedicated you are to your sadism and hypocrisy.

Which leads me to my conclusion…..you have to be very MISERABLE with your own life to take joy in someone's misery especially if caused by you. Indeed misery loves company. its beyond any reasonable doubt now. You must also be very jealous of what someone else has to speak badly about it or ruin it for them so that you can have it in some really bizarre cases to me. And work day and night scheming to ruin it or take it away from that person. Hypocrites are schemers. Instead of scheming to make their own lives better or help in nation building or create schemes to eradicate poverty in our countries plus end unemployment and corruption in our governments….they instead pick/prey on someone and these are what I will call “victims" killing their very existence as they knew leaving them for dead. Other hypocrites and sadists find people who have already been victimized and “scavenge” the little that’s left in them.

Honestly to be horribly candid, hypocrites and sadists to me both words or type of people mean the same thing and that is….they are leeches, they suck the life out of the little happiness we have. They are parasites that are getting immune to the antidote of us fighting for our happiness or the people that make us want to live forever as long as we are with them because they resist and fight back even harder. Their schemes and lies get even more concrete. They have fought even our natural immune system of ignoring what we know they are doing. They have become so shameless that they even take time out to brag about it.

I don’t know why people are busy preaching about zombie apocalypse,alien invasions and other natural disasters coming our way when the hypocrites were hibernating during our fore fathers time and taking out just afew warriors and are now full blown parasites with no antidote or antibiotic for their treachery and misery they inflict in our lives especially with the people and relationships we value most in our lives.

BEWARE my good friends and distinguished readers…..and cut your green grass before your green snakes mature. The only way to do so is HONESTY. Don’t give anyone anything they can hold above your head and never say anything about someone to anyone that you cant repeat to their faces when confrontation decides to pay you a visit.
                                                                             Yours Truly;
                                                                                            Getty Uncensored.