Friday, August 15, 2014


Honestly I'm just left dumbfounded by the little things human beings would go to great lengths to turn something or someone awesome into something negative or find ways to ridicule them or 'it'.
There are genuine haters out there no lie. For some people: you are just a pathological liar with really shallow thinking and are just mentally WEAK with no solid character and a very shaky personality with very little or no substance! No one likes you! Don't get it twisted and call people haters when you genuinely disgust them and call their creative criticism 'hating' when if you'd actually hear them out it would help you. WAKE UP!
Personally, I've been stung relentlessly and at times I was led to believe that honestly something is wrong with me. I have two faults that at times I often regret one and other really rare times I'm left to question if I should work on relinquishing the other. These two unique faults are....the first is the fact that I love myself unconditionally inside and out. The second is I've got the abnormal tendency of being abnormally LOYAL even when most people don't deserve even an iota of it!
They'll come crying about their issues with a spouse, a friend, a relative, a colleague, a neighbour even their pet! Then turn against you when you show your support and loyalty when you act just the way you'd expect someone who 'claims' to be loyal to you to. So you give the 'culprits' (offending or causing harm to the person your loyal to) the cold shoulder,shut them up even before they start 'hating' on your loved one though at times they are really just telling their side of the story,throw daggers at them with your eyes or even threaten to cripple them if they cause your loved one any more harm or unhappiness.
Then your loved one ends up treating you like the villain! And your left wondering how in the world you could be so hopelessly loyal and get burnt because of it! Then other downside is that no one stands up for you when shit hits the fan or when push comes to shove. Everyone appears to believe the other party concerned or believe the worst about you in the situation. So what if you made a mistake or said the worst thing possible? I'm human! And I'm a work in progress! I never said I'm perfect! I never said I don't or won't make mistakes! Plus I know I lack tolerance and I'm a really bad listener plus I have someone else inside me I believe when I get angry who just ties me up and literally jumps out and handles the person offending or annoying me. Just to name but a few of my faults. But you who runs off to call me a mean bitch! Or go on to preach how horrible a person i am and how you are such a victim in the whole scenario. How are you any better? Honestly projecting how you've been victimized isn't honest or genuine. Its pity you'll get and the what? Will it make you any closer to God or make you any better? Do you what the people your preaching to about me say after your gone about you?! Because your thinking is so already biased! Time ALWAYS unearths the truth and genuine characters no matter how badly slandered will always land on their feet.
              Yours sincerely;
                   Getty Uncensored            

1 comment:

  1. nice piece with a personal touch to it.........i think there is a strong need for people to first self-discover,then self-manage the reality,finally love urself utmostly
