Friday, October 25, 2013


My basic explanation for flora and fauna is simple and basic:
Fauna is all of the animal life of any particular region or time. The corresponding term for plants is flora. Flora, fauna and other forms of life such as fungi are collectively referred to as biota.
In more scientific terms:
By definition, flora is a word of Latin origin referring to Flora, the goddess of flowers. Flora can refer to a group of plants, a disquisition of a group of plants, as well as to bacteria. Flora is the root of the word floral, which means pertaining to flowers. Fauna can refer to the animal life or classification of animals of a certain region, time period, or environment. Fauna is also of Latin origin. In Roman Mythology Fauna was the sister of Faunus, a good spirit of the forest and plains.
Flora has had her fair share of being exploited and ruined and some species have even been brought to extinction and then some. Like rainforests and wetlands being eradicated for sky scrapers or exclusive shopping malls and high end condos. These trees and flowers plus forests are habitats to the animal kingdom whom we capture afew put in zoos and kill the others along with their natural God given habitats.

There are new henious crimes against the latter 'fauna'. Crimes like having sexual intercourse with the animals in the very recent past I've witnessed a hen,a goat and even a donkey being raped by men. And in the case of the raped donkey the men were five and they even took turns to perform the the abomination while the others held the poor animal down. Simply despicable,disgusting and downright evil if you ask me. Although these abominable acts of mental degeneration might not be so new but their popularity has spread alarmingly. Fauna has been rather appreciated until lately in the department of providing us with various kinds of delicacies from the non-vegetable (flora) kingdom with domesticated animals like cows which provide us with beef and milk,goats that provide us with mutton,pigs which give us pork while hens give us chicken and eggs. The other domesticated class of Fauna have helped us in various ways. Like the donkeys and horses who have been helping us in transportation since 4600-4000 B.C respectively. Yet they are so unappreciated now since we are so digitally inclined and reliant.
My line of thought borders more on curiousity. Why are grown men with wives and families choosing to attack a helpless animal when this digital era has brought with it lack of scruples. Where the women are the ones doing the chasing and conquering. Where they don't care about what society will think and some even don't care about their parents and how they seem to be dragging their family names in the mud with their wanton abandon to canal lust of the flesh. So the men can't say they are having what is popularly known as 'dry spell' to the extent of performing such traumatizing acts to both the animal and us the human population when we finally hear or read about them. What is it then?!
Is it a ritual for some sort of initiation?! Should we actually shamelessly blame it on alcohol?! Or the devil himself?! Or is it 'stress' related?!

                              Yours curiously;
                                 Getty Uncensored.

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