It is very unfortunate that in this
'digital era' we are stuck with yet another stigma affecting our societies far
and yonder. Like everything else that shouldn't be taken too far or allow
ourselves to get too indulged and end up losing ourselves in whatever fashion
trend,way of life or any other thing that we believe falls under the recent
popular terminology known as 'SWAG'...they certainly have! To the extent of
unbridled SHAME.
First and foremost what is plastic? On a
very candid note...plastic is RUBBISH. Plastic is waste that affects our soil
for the agriculturists,botanists,farmers and landscapers,hygiene for our health
and the health of our children and even animals be it farm animals and pets
plus plastic in form of plastic bags, plastic bottles, plates, cups etc are an
eyesore when discarded recklessly wherever and however. Now imagine it being
burnt to get rid of it!
Plastic doesnt decompose like most products.
Plastic has the annoying ability to maintain its shape or form (of whatever
kind) for a very long time. The best way to get rid of it is by burning it!
Though it doesn't burn as easily as we'd
like to believe or had assumed. It melts and bubbles. It burns eventually but
you have to keep heating it. Plastic has an unbearable stench when burning
especially in large quantities.
And it has to be a large quantity to be
burnt so that the burning resources are used properly and effectively. Even in
recycling it. It has 2 be burnt so that it can be shaped or re-shaped into
something else. Even the people that go through that rigorous activity have
protective gear that protects them from the 'stench'. Now isn't that a whole
lot of work?!?

My own definition of 'plastic' is more
related to the word 'FAKE' when used 'adjectively' and sadly, this is the
bondage that the majority of people in our societies have succumbed to. Namely;
cosmetic surgery where we go get face lifts when our skin starts responding to
gravity or breast implants to make them bigger for those less endowed,
cosmetics themselves like the temporary eyelashes,acrylic nails (nail
extensions), chopping off all what you have as eyebrows
and replacing them with tattoos or
Mongolian and even Indian'. All these
aren't exactly 'fake'. They are actually more of 'ENHANCEMENTS' and I would be
a fool if I had an issue with any girl
or woman using the above 'enhancements'. I also use them occasionally myself
because after all is said and done they actually are helpful and some are even
really good investments. The leeward side of the 'enhancements' is the issue
I'm not going to stand in the way of a girl
finding what she needs in the cosmetic enhancements department. The issue only
arises when we become the enhancements! Be a first rate or grade A+ version of
yourself. Enhance what you need to,by all means just don't become delusional
and start acting out a movie in your head instead of enjoying the life God has
blessed you with. You were made the way you were for a reason. You were also
born in Africa or wherever else on the planet you ended up in for a reason. OWN
it! Because I'm sure no one has ever and will ever be able to write God an
application or 'proposal' of which continent,country or family to end up in. So
why not own it?! Why not thank God you dint end up in a worse place?! Because
honestly there are worse places out there if you know your geography and you
are abreast with current global issues,catastrophes and tragedies you'll
totally get my chagrin! We are seriously suffering from the 'burning plastic'
fumes. Culprits please save us.

or characters in a low budget horror movie!

So of course my piece of unsolicited advice
If you have to do it or insist on
permanently having eyelashes as long as feathers then do it right!
If your going to add a weave then please
have the courtesy of finding the one that would best suit the shape of your
face instead of putting the rest of us through a very long low budget horror
movie! And last but not least my sisters.....those eyebrows!!!!!
If you can't find anything better to do
with them please let them be as God intended!! Find a small brush and just
brush them down to keep them neat! Promoting confusion with a permanently
raised eyebrow,giving the Nike logo competition and giving some of us mild
heart attacks with some other incredulous shapes should be a crime punishable
by a country's valid constitutional laws.
In fact the Nike logo is patented so you'd
be in trouble for theft and violation of the patent terms and conditions.

Its NEVER EVER that serious or necessary...
hahaha this is true..PREACH SISTER.!!